Thursday, October 25, 2007

From Charlie's P.O.V.

I really enjoyed the book "From Charlie's Point of View". Richard Scrimger did a great job of informing the reader about blindness and how people deal with it and creating an interesting story that was not based around Charlie's special need. Although some people may argue that Charlie was a trope character because he was docile, brave and somewhat A-Sexual I would argue that his personality and characteristics were appropriate for the story and a character with his age and background. I believe that him having a romantic interest in someone would not add to or take away from the story as there was not much romance involved in the whole book. I believe his docility was appropriate to contrast Bernadette's aggressiveness towards those who mistreat Charlie. Overall, this was one of the better books we have read this semester.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog - I'm disappointed not to see a post about Confessions on yours; it would have been great to get your perspective.

I think most people are susceptible to the guilt of religion without a strong mentor figure to teach them; it seems to be kind of human nature to think that we can do it on our own.